In 2013 in Puglia (Italy) a disease started spreading, Xylella. This particular disease made thousands of olive trees dry out from the inside. There are no curative measures against this bacterium, except for grubbing up and destroying the contaminated plants and controlling the insect vectors. Olive trees owners started cutting down the infected trees in order to avoid further contamination, but they didn’t really know what to do with the wood, since the main use of an Olive Tree is to produce olives. So they turned it into firewood or crumbles to make pellet. I came up with an initiative to reclaim all this beautiful olive wood to make the Ulia Collection. Olive wood is a valuable material that in normal circumstances would never be available in such large quantities since Olive Trees have been classified as a UNESCO heritage. With the Ulia Collection we want to honor the beauty and the history of these trees so that the customer can take home a piece of history and heritage of this beautiful land.
TEAM: Giulia Josè Conte, Claudia Catalani, Nicole Maccari, Tatiana Barletta, Linda Salvatori, Jamie Pybus
furniture design